Build Independence & Confidence

RYA Youth Stage 1 Course

This is our standard starting point for young people aged 8 and over wanting to learn to sail, this course that is specially tailored to younger sailors will teach the young person a basic understanding of how a boat sails, with some experience of steering and handling the boat.

If your child is aged 8 – 11 they can go on the Optimist Boat and if they are older then they can go on the Pico or Topper Boats. If you have any question then please let us know.

During this course we aim to maximise water time, there is some theory associated with the syllabus but we aim to teach this in an efficient manner.

The course covers the following syllabus:

  • Rigging, Launching & Recovery – Can assist with rigging a dinghy, launch and recover it.
  • Ropework – Can tie a few essential knots.
  • Sailing Techniques & Manoeuvres – Can, under instruction, sail simple courses that involve crewing a boat.
  • Clothing & Equipment – Know what clothing is essential and what to wear for the conditions.
  • Capsize – Understands the importance of staying with the boat.
  • General – Understands a few essentials to help them get the most out of the sessions.
  • Meteorology – Has knowledge of wind direction
Length of course 4 days
Start and finish times 9:00-17:00
Previous experience required None
You will need to bring Please bring a waterproof jacket, warm clothes and a hat if it’s cold; if it’s warm you will need sun screen, sunglasses, a hat and cool clothing. Whatever the weather you will also need footwear to wear on the water (old trainers etc).
Certificates gained RYA Youth Stage 1
Minimum age is 8 years old, Anyone under the age of 18 years must have a Parental Consent form completed and signed by a parent/guardian – this must be handed in to reception on arrival during registration, without this form participants will not be permitted to take part.
What next? The next progression is to join us on our Stage 2 sailing course where we go into further detail on how to sail.

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