RYA OnBoard

Structured Sailing & Windsurfing Sessions for Juniors

RYA OnBoard

Improve your skills at your own pace

Sail Birmingham and Midland Sailing Club are members of the RYA’s OnBoard Scheme and run regular sessions. These are group sessions with up to 15 kids at a time, so you get the attention of the instructors running the session. All instructors are fully RYA-qualified and each session ensures that the kids have fun while building confidence in their sailing, so they continue to improve and work towards their next RYA Stage certificates.

Once they have reached a curtain level of ability the Chief Instructor will invite them to join the Club’s Race School program if they accept they will be working on the skills require to join firstly the Club racing but also look to enter the regional event as well.

Our current schedule of OnBoard sessions available for booking is:

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